The Newsletter of your Cessna Pilot's Society | Volume IX issue 1.0 January 2021 |
CPS Newsletter :
January 2021 Issue
We have made it through 2020. A full year of our lives is behind us and never to be lived again. 'Was it lived fully ?' is a question for each to ask of ourselves...
2021 is here, and has an as yet unfulfilled promise, but it will only be what we make of it.
Included below are the on-going stories of your fellow Aviators. Despite restrictions and obstacles, they continue to improve, upgrade, and keep an eye on proficiency.
Aviators need to assess risk before every flight, and every decision. Where, how often, and to what standard do we train? To what standard do we maintain our skills? How do we choose to maintain our aircraft?
We also need to recognize that there is a substantial cost to allowing our skills to go unused for any period of time. "Rust Never Sleeps". This month's issue of "NOTAMS" kicks off with a click-through to a thread started by a respected member of the CPS family who frankly confronts a discussion of the rust that crept in during some involuntary down time. This is worth a read, and some personal reflection as we begin a new year.
Discussions on our Forums:
177- Cardinal
Baggage Compartment Restraint Attachment Points
Retract Piston Insurance Hikes
Vitatoe Sub Forum
(*) Larry Vitatoe offers important operational reminders! (Post #418423)
Rear Shoulder Belts and Kids Car Seats
Gear Horn Activated After Raising Gear
Pilot Skill:
Our own Mike Jesch hosted a very successful (2000+ Attendees) webinar on the legacy Garmin navigators. Link below to the review. Nicely done Mike!
Do You Use the AOPA Flight Planner?
AD Crack Found at Wing Strut Attach Point
Intake Leak Test w/ Wet-Dry Vacuum?
Bounced Landing Leads to Prop STrike
Fuel Lines in the Headliner: Replacement time?
Are Turbines More Reliable than Pistons?
Upgrade Panel w Avidyne IFD540?
Never Again:
General Topics:
Too Funny Not To Share (leads to a video)
NEW GUYS (and some not so new)!
Aviaiton and aviators being a self selecting and very small sector of society kind of naturally cleve together for mutual understanding and support. We're not 'misfit toys' as a great deal of personal discipline and the ability to reason are natural foundation requirements for entry.
We understand that some projects are not going to be easy, or convenient. We accept that there is a degree of hard work and sacrifice required to achieve anything of merit or benefit.
We watch our brother and sister airmen restore innumerable 'project' airplanes. We cheer as they acquire new ratings, and love when they visit new places they gratiously share with us on these pages. Their words often take us along for the ride, and there are times when the pictures of the places, the faces, and especially the before/after pictures just touch our collective hearts.
In those moments, our self selecting very small sector of society has reason to rejoice.
A sincere wish for everyone reading along to enjoy a New Year full of promise.
You and your contributions to the discussions are what makes CPS special.
That's it for this issue. We always welcome your stories, your counsel, your pictures, and the way in which you support your fellow CPS Members.
Have something special you'ld like to see included in the next Newsletter? Email or PM any of the Forum Board w/ your submission!
Pan American nightmare
Ten thousand feet fun-fair
Convinced that I don't care
Safe as houses I swear
I was just sitting musing
The virtues of cruising
When altitude dropping
My ears started popping
One More Red Nightmare....
Sweat beginning to pour down
My neck as I turned round
I heard fortune shouting
Get off of this outing
A farewell swan song — see
You know how turbulence can be
The stewardess made me
But the captain forbade me
----One More Red Nightmare:
John Wetton, 1974,
Inadvertently letting us know why we prefer our Cessna Aircraft...
Your CPS Forum Board: Jeffrey Chipetine, Eric Finley, John Matthews, Greg Wright, Mark Zimmerman.
This mailing list is announce-only.
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