How To Change Your Avatar

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You can display a stock Avatar, your own Avatar, or none at all.


Step-by-Step How To Change Your Avatar

Step 1:

Click 'My Home' at the top of the forum page.

Step 2:

Click the top 'Edit' in the configuration section of the page.

Step 3:

Scroll down the page until you get to the section containing the avatar information. Your choices here are:

  • No avatar - the area on the left side of your posts will be blank - no picture or icon.
  • Upload your own (80 by 80 pixel) avatar
  • Use one of the supplied and stock avatar.

The first and last choices are self-exlpanatory.  The middle choice (upload your own) requires a little more work.   Check the 'Upload...' circle and then Click the 'Browse' button.


Step 4:

A 'Choose a File' directory browsing window will open on your computer. Navigate to your avatar and either double click the name or select it then Click the 'Open' button. The avatar's location on your computer will be loaded into the file attach window.

Scroll down and Click the 'Submit' button to upload your avatar to the CPS Servers.

Your Avatar is now displayed on all your posts both new and old.